sábado, 8 de novembro de 2008

Speakers `Corner

What is Speakers `Corner?

“Speakers `Corner in the north – east corner of Hyde Park in London is by tradition an area where public speeches can be made by anyone who has anything they want to say – no matter how eccentric or implausible.

The area was set aside for such use in 1872, after Hyde Park itself became a popular centre for public speaking.

Speakers talk to the crowds from a soapbox – an improvised platform once made from wooden packing crates used for soap and other items. Individual speakers or representatives of various organisations or special causes deliver their speeches at weekends – to the amusement or bewilderment of passers by.

Crowds often gather around a speaker, and generally feel free to make comments on the speech or simply to heckle the speaker if they don `t agree with what is being said!

Speakers `Corner is often taken as a symbol of free speech”.

(The United Kingdom – 100 Questions Answered, Foreign & Commonwealth Office)

Welcome to our Speakers ` Corner! Express yourself! Feel free to share your ideals with us! Not censured!

. Nota (s): neste espaço será permitida a publicação de informação em Português e Inglês dado que alguns dos assuntos que os alunos se propõe tratar exigem a aquisição de vocabulário especifico que, neste momento, não se encontra (ainda) ao seu alcance. Os alunos irão, gradualmente, (re) construindo os seus textos utilizando, prioritariamente, a língua inglesa …

É com muito orgulho que dou as boas – vindas ao Miguel Perdigão (nº 17, 7ºA) e à Mónica Sampaio (nº19, 7ºA)! Vamos conhecer as suas causas! Come along!


Miguel Perdigão

sherlock holmes. Links:

. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=33TCy0Wl8zg

. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=frFSt-44Juw

. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=77xO2in4Zi8&feature=related

. National Geographic http://www.nationalgeographic.com/


Mónica Sampaio

sherlock holmes . Links:

. What `s Bullying? http://www.nobully.org.nz/advicek.htm

. Bullying in Schools http://www.kenrigby.net/

. Bullying.Org: http://www.bullying.org/index.cfm

. BullyingUK: http://www.bullying.co.uk/

. StopBullyingNow: http://stopbullyingnow.hrsa.gov/index.asp?area=main

. Bullying. No Way! http://www.bullyingnoway.com.au/

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